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Living without the State and freeing yourself from the chains it seeks to put on us is the goal of this blog. However, Tax Free Today’s path to gaining this freedom isn’t a violent revolution, nor does it ignore the States or take away your nationality.

On the contrary, we will familiarize you with your “enemy” and help you take advantage of its characteristics in order to be as free as possible.  All of this may seem quite paradoxical upon first glance, so I would like to explain it to you.

But let’s start at the beginning:

For us at Tax Free Today, refusing to pay your taxes isn’t just a question of whims or laziness, but rather a moral question (as you can read in our critique of the State).

Living without a State is thinking without borders. Living without States is a step away from those paternalistic and authoritarian figures, a step towards taking back our lives. Freedom and independence are, in this case, keywords.

Tax Free Today isn’t a goal, it’s a process. Living without a State means being aware and taking responsibility of your own actions and living life according to your convictions. Tax Free Today is, in a sense, a synonym for “no master”.

But, are you really free? Are you your own master?

This question can seem banal: “of course I am my own master.” However, if you think a little bit more, I think you’ll come to a different conclusion.

There are very few people who are truly the masters of their own lives. It’s not a question of whether you can do whatever you want, of money, or control of the future; rather it’s in the sense that no one can make you do certain things.

Do you need examples?

If you are suffering from an illness or you simply don’t want to continue living, could you end your own life? In most countries, this isn’t possible.

Depending on where you live, you aren’t able to freely elect who you share your life with, at least not officially. Marrying someone of the same sex might not be possible.

Can you freely express your opinions? Depending on where you live, there could be an enormous amount of things you can’t say.

You have to speak this or that language, you can’t speak some other language, you have to wear your seatbelt, you can dress this way or that, you can’t say whether or not you believe in this or that…

Are you free to decide what you do with your time, money and possessions?  If you think you are, you’re mistaken. The State will always be there to tell you what you can and can’t do.

Maybe you think you can educate your children how you see fit? Often this is not the case. The State doesn’t trust its citizens and wants to control the education of our children.

The State and civilization have trapped us with the promise of the Welfare State and consumer culture.

There are many people who don’t have a problem with this. For the rest of us, the Tax Free Today philosophy could be the path to follow.

The paradox of liberating yourself from the State

Living without a state doesn’t mean living without rights; it means putting your individual rights above the local obligations imposed by States and choosing among the many States the one that best marries with your way of life and the way you see the world.

There are two categories for those that live without the state.

On the one hand, there are those Without States, people who aren’t citizens of a single country and don’t have papers. In fact, they don’t have any rights. In this case, you aren’t free. You don’t live a life free from the State; on the contrary, you depend on them more than ever.

Without a passport, you can’t leave the country. If you aren’t a citizen of any state, they are going to refuse a ton of your rights.

And then there are those that do have papers, citizens of modern countries. The more democratic and well-connected the country is with the rest of the world, the more rights you will have and the easier it will be for you to travel. In this case, you have the same rights as the people around you.

However, when you have one nationality (depending on where you live), this doesn’t just come with rights; it comes with a heap of obligations. For example, there’s the obligation to share a good part of your money with the State, pay for services you don’t use, or even protect the country and give your life for it in a war.

“You should count yourself lucky: at least you were born in a rich and democratic country.”

Yes, I am very happy for the opportunities that I have been given, but I don’t want to stay in this gilded cage. I see things that work and others that don’t; I don’t want to stand here with my arms crossed, nor am I going to console myself with the fact that others have it worse than I do. The system, luckily, hasn’t brought me to this level of conformity yet.

Without a doubt, if you have to choose between being someone without papers or living as a citizen of a country, I would opt for the latter. But then I think: who says you have to stop there?

What other options are there?

Well, the truth is that you don’t just have to choose between not having papers or being a citizen of a State: you can also choose to reside in or be a citizen of various States, or get citizenship (or a similar status, such as a permanent visa) in the countries that treat you best, places where you can live how you want and no one can force you to do something against your morals (according to flag theory).

“The Tax Free Today ideal is not to renounce your citizenship and passport, but to diversify your options, visas and nationalities.”

Living without a State as an evolving path

Nationalism is still going strong. Like all examples of fanaticism, it tries to show irrefutable proof of its totally erroneous and misguided ideas.

You don’t owe anybody anything: neither your family, nor your past ideas and opinions. You owe everything to yourself. Your life is yours; you don’t get a second one. Live life to the fullest.

“Homeland” doesn’t exist; all the protectionism and division of the world around us into the categories of “us” and “them” or “insider” and “outsider” only brings problems.

Don’t be deceived: foreigners, “outsiders”, don’t take anything from you; they have as much right to live on this Earth as you do.

Living without a State is a process that means distancing yourself bit-by-bit from these concepts that we have fed off of for so long, however romantic or beautiful the ideas of homeland, groups or communities are (note how all these ideas set you up against the other).

It’s the second fight for our personal independence, similar to when we left our parents’ houses and started to take control of our own lives.

Do you want to free yourself from the State?

If the answer is a resounding yes, then sign up here for our newsletter.  Here, we will show you the path we follow and how you can follow it too if you want to live your life in freedom.

We will tell you how you can achieve this goal from an economic point of view (how to support yourself) and from a more administrative point of view (the steps you can take to live in other countries).

Of course, we would be delighted to hear your opinions on “the State paradox,” so let us know in the comments section.

Because your life is yours.

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