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Save on Taxes

We Believe that Taxation is Theft

Taxation is theft – end of discussion. But how can you actually save on taxes or even avoid them altogether? On our website you will find a lot of information to help you. In order to offer you better guidance, you will find an overview of different areas below.

With you have a competent partner at your side to put an end to state robbery with its arbitrarily levied taxes. We believe that your money belongs only to you and therefore you have the right to protect it. We show you how.

Save on Taxes

We Believe that Taxation is Theft

Taxation is theft – end of discussion. But how can you actually save on taxes or even avoid them altogether? On our website you will find a lot of information to help you. In order to offer you better guidance, you will find an overview of different areas below.

With you have a competent partner at your side to put an end to state robbery with its arbitrarily levied taxes. We believe that your money belongs only to you and therefore you have the right to protect it. We show you how.

Save on Taxes

Back to the Roots – The Blog

As a great starting point, we recommend our free blog articles. Here you can already gather a lot of broad knowledge. For example, have you ever heard of a family cooperative? It’s a kind of micro cooperative that can give you a lot more flexibility and tax advantages.

Of course, another great lever is the foundation of a company abroad. You will also find corresponding blog articles on this subject (sort here under Blog according to your desired topic – e.g. founding a company).

Browse through a variety of articles and select your topics.

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Save on Taxes

Back to the Roots – The Blog

As a great starting point, we recommend our free blog articles. Here you can already gather a lot of broad knowledge. For example, have you ever heard of a family cooperative? It’s a kind of micro cooperative that can give you a lot more flexibility and tax advantages.

Of course, another great lever is the foundation of a company abroad. You will also find corresponding blog articles on this subject (sort here under Blog according to your desired topic – e.g. founding a company).

Browse through a variety of articles and select your topics.

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Save on Taxes

Expert Knowledge for Pros and All Those Who Want to Become One

In addition to our free blog articles, you can also dive deeper into the subject matter by taking a look at the eBooks in our products category. In the field of company formation, we have an extremely comprehensive Company Encyclopedia in the eBooks section – legal tax avoidance guaranteed.

But not only the Company Encyclopedia shows you how to avoid taxes effectively. Also, our extensive Emigration Encyclopedia, with over 700 pages of concentrated expert knowledge, combines your emigration with a tax setup that lets you become free and independent.

Of course, we offer more eBooks that show you not only how to optimize your tax setup, but your whole life. As part of the current discount campaign, you even have the opportunity to purchase them at a greatly reduced price.

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Save on Taxes

Expert Knowledge for Pros and All Those Who Want to Become One

In addition to our free blog articles, you can also dive deeper into the subject matter by taking a look at the eBooks in our products category. In the field of company formation, we have an extremely comprehensive Company Encyclopedia in the eBooks section – legal tax avoidance guaranteed.

But not only the Company Encyclopedia shows you how to avoid taxes effectively. Also, our extensive Emigration Encyclopedia, with over 700 pages of concentrated expert knowledge, combines your emigration with a tax setup that lets you become free and independent.

Of course, we offer more eBooks that show you not only how to optimize your tax setup, but your whole life. As part of the current discount campaign, you even have the opportunity to purchase them at a greatly reduced price.

Checkout Our Products
Save on Taxes

Forget Netflix and the Likes – These Videos Will Really Get You Ahead

Perhaps our “Secret Knowledge” video course in the products section is just right for you. It covers topics such as tax systems and foreign tax laws as well as tax-free countries and their immigration rules. Although there are around 200 sovereign states, the number of tax systems is limited to just 5. You will learn how you can benefit from this.

When it comes to the topic of foreign tax laws, certain fears arise among the tax advisors of entrepreneurs, especially after the “Panama Papers”. However, this is also due to the fact that most of them simply lack the necessary expertise, because the foreign tax laws of the countries are precisely about combating tax avoidance and tax shifting.

The video course shows you a variety of established and legal possibilities. Of course, foreign companies and flag theory are not neglected. You can see what’s it is about here.

Get the "Secret Knowledge" Video Course Now
Save on Taxes

Forget Netflix and the Likes – These Videos Will Really Get You Ahead

Perhaps our “Secret Knowledge” video course in the products section is just right for you. It covers topics such as tax systems and foreign tax laws as well as tax-free countries and their immigration rules. Although there are around 200 sovereign states, the number of tax systems is limited to just 5. You will learn how you can benefit from this.

When it comes to the topic of foreign tax laws, certain fears arise among the tax advisors of entrepreneurs, especially after the “Panama Papers”. However, this is also due to the fact that most of them simply lack the necessary expertise, because the foreign tax laws of the countries are precisely about combating tax avoidance and tax shifting.

The video course shows you a variety of established and legal possibilities. Of course, foreign companies and flag theory are not neglected. You can see what’s it is about here.

Get the "Secret Knowledge" Video Course Now
Save on Taxes

An Effective Shortcut with Competent Advice

However, the most comprehensive service is our personal consultation here at, which is individually tailored to you and your situation. Whether you need advice on tax issues or if you want to establish a new company abroad through us, we are there for you and happy to help. Just have a look at our consulting section and decide what suits you best.

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Save on Taxes

An Effective Shortcut with Competent Advice

However, the most comprehensive service is our personal consultation here at, which is individually tailored to you and your situation. Whether you need advice on tax issues or if you want to establish a new company abroad through us, we are there for you and happy to help. Just have a look at our consulting section and decide what suits you best.

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Have a Look Around and Leave Us a Like

Do you want to break open your mind and/or consume content first? Then check out our YouTube channel and podcast section listed in the knowledge category. We would also be very happy about your subscription to our channel. Please don’t forget to leave a thumbs up. You’d really help us out with your support and you would never miss a new episode!

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Have a Look Around and Leave Us a Like

Do you want to break open your mind and/or consume content first? Then check out our YouTube channel and podcast section listed in the knowledge category. We would also be very happy about your subscription to our channel. Please don’t forget to leave a thumbs up. You’d really help us out with your support and you would never miss a new episode!

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Save on Taxes

We Are the Good Ones

Saving on or fully avoiding taxes is our core competency. The focus is always on seriousness and legality. Tax evasion and money laundering are not only criminal, but also stupid. That is why we always play by the rules of those who make them. But only those who, like us, know the rules inside and out can use them to their advantage. – Because your life is yours.

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Save on Taxes

We Are the Good Ones

Saving on or fully avoiding taxes is our core competency. The focus is always on seriousness and legality. Tax evasion and money laundering are not only criminal, but also stupid. That is why we always play by the rules of those who make them. But only those who, like us, know the rules inside and out can use them to their advantage. – Because your life is yours.

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