One of the first things we think of when we talk about ‘government intervention’ and ‘government abuse’ is coercive theft in the form of taxation. However, the abuses of the state do not stop there; their attacks on our freedom affect us in all areas, stages, and aspects of our lives.
In fact, in many countries, abuse of health and of one’s own body has already been normalised, in the form of compulsory vaccinations… among other things.
It is so natural today to believe that the state and its intrusion into our lives are necessary that many are unable to imagine a life without it. After all, the state is the only thing that maintains order in our society and allows us to live a civilised life… or is it? At least that is what most have learned from their parents, and what grandparents taught those parents, and so on. This is why many accept and even applaud compulsory vaccination, as well as any other intrusion into our lives by the state.
This is a controversial issue because it affects health and is often seen as well-intentioned. However, even if you consider something to be ‘really good’, you should NEVER force others to do the same, let alone against their will.
Those who choose not to vaccinate face prejudice from others, who automatically assume that they mean people harm… but is this really the case? Essentially, they are people who want to protect themselves from something they do not believe in and who think they have the right to do with their own bodies what they want.
If you do not want to be vaccinated, you have to consciously accept the risks, just as someone speeding on the motorway knows the risks and still does not take their foot off the accelerator.
Our team is made up of people who are immunised against all kinds of illnesses and people who are not immunised at all. Everyone can decide with their own body what they think is best for themselves. That is the basic libertarian idea, which is then bounded by private property rights. Naturally, the organisations or groups in which people gather must be able to decide for themselves whether they demand to be vaccinated or not. Those who do not vaccinate will therefore have to live with the consequences of their decision, or weigh its risks and benefits.
The issue of compulsory vaccination in the context of is articulated in two main areas related to freedom: on the one hand, that of the consequences of residence, citizenship and birth tourism; and on the other hand, that of non-aggression against private property.
When the government becomes obsessed with deciding what you should and should not inject into your body
The decision to live permanently in a particular country or to obtain a residence permit or domicile in that country, as well as to adopt a particular citizenship, is a personal choice that you must make while being aware of the ‘legal and social obligations’ that come with it.
National vaccination requirements apply to all children living within the country’s borders, regardless of their nationality. This includes nationals as well as permanent or temporary residents. However, nationals of a country with mandatory immunisation who live abroad are generally not subject to these immunisation requirements.
This map from Our World in Data shows the different international positions on mandatory vaccination:
The treatment of immunisation requirements varies considerably around the world, and goes beyond simply listing mandatory vaccines: while some countries ‘recommend’ certain vaccines, others make them mandatory. It is therefore crucial to understand which countries generally support the idea of mandatory immunisation and how this manifests itself in their laws and regulations.
Vaccination is mandatory for newborns in these countries:Â Â Â Â
Albania, Andorra, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Barbados, Belgium, Belize, Bhutan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Chile, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, British Virgin Islands, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, France, Gabon, Guam, Guatemala, French Guiana, Indonesia, Iran, Marshall Islands, Italy, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea, Latvia, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, North Macedonia, Mali, Malta, Mayotte, Mexico, Micronesia, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Nepal, Nicaragua, Nigeria, New Caledonia, Oman, Pakistan, Palau, Panama, Peru, French Polynesia, Poland, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Czech Republic, Samoa, San Marino, Serbia, Singapore, Syria, Somalia, Suriname, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Ukraine, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Venezuela and Vietnam.
Another aspect is the study of countries where vaccination is generally not compulsory, but is required for school attendance. This can be seen as a form of indirect coercion, especially since state-determined education is a mandatory requirement in many countries, and parents often have limited alternatives. This policy poses a dilemma for families, especially if they are residents or citizens of the country in question.
In these countries, vaccination is compulsory for school entry:
Colombia, Cyprus, Dominica, Germany, Grenada, Greece, Guyana, Honduras, Iraq, Kyrgyzstan, Maldives, Moldova, Paraguay, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, United Arab Emirates, United States, and United States Virgin Islands.
Citizenship and vaccination
Birthright citizenship, or ‘Jus soli’, refers to a regime whereby children born within the borders of a country are automatically granted citizenship of that country, regardless of the nationality of their parents. Worldwide, only 33 countries and two territories practice this unrestricted form of birthright citizenship. In addition, 32 other nations apply a restricted form of birthright citizenship.
In the map below you can see the correlation of countries with Jus soli and countries with compulsory childhood vaccination:
And why is all this so important?
Because obtaining citizenship through birth tourism and not through investment or a longer stay in the country often has consequences in the form of compulsory vaccinations for the newborn.
If you are against these measures and want to avoid them, you should inform yourself about the overall situation.
The possibility of acquiring a second citizenship by birth opens broader perspectives and opportunities, especially for Perpetual Travellers and stateless persons. Although not usually the first consideration for Germans, citizenship has short-, medium- and long-term implications; and it is a fundamental element of the flag theory.
In fact, we can help you naturalise in almost any country, as we have reliable local partners and a wide network of contacts. As a result, we can find different solutions for each case. If you are interested, please contact us.
In one of our recent articles, we looked at birth tourism in Argentina, the practice of which offers many the advantage of obtaining a second passport. This issue is particularly relevant in the context of Argentina’s vaccination policy. As we explained in that article, Argentina (still) supports compulsory vaccination. It remains to be seen whether anarcho-capitalist president Javier Milei will change (if he can change) this scenario.
In short: If you are against any kind of vaccination, avoid giving birth and residing in the orange and yellow countries on the first map.
Also pay attention to entry and residence rules.
In addition, some countries may require travellers to provide proof of certain vaccinations as part of their entry requirements.
In some countries, particularly in parts of Africa and South America, proof of vaccination against yellow fever may be required, depending on your travel history and where you are coming from. Routine vaccinations, such as measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and now COVID-19, are frequently checked to ensure that people are up to date. People who do not have an up-to-date yellow fever vaccination certificate are often denied boarding on flights, especially when travelling between South American countries considered at risk. A deliberate detour through non-risk countries can help you avoid this obligation.
In countries with a higher risk of tuberculosis there may be, among other things, a mandatory vaccination or test. In addition, some employers, particularly in the health and education sectors, may require certain vaccinations for their employees.
The list is endless… but you can find detailed information and a full list of each country’s requirements in the WHO publication on vaccination requirements and recommendations for travellers abroad.
Should vaccinations be compulsory?
In other words, should the state have a right over my own body?
If we put it in these terms, the answer is logically NO, NO and DEFINITELY, DEFINITELY NOT.
But why is it so difficult to understand that we should be able to choose freely also regarding vaccinations? After all, we are basically talking about the same thing.
The problem with imposing an obligation backed by LAWS and SANCTIONS is that they are nothing more or less than the arbitrary opinions of strangers in power at a given moment.
The issue of vaccines is often intertwined with the discussion of private property because in the end it is more ‘convenient’ for the government to impose a set of obligations based on fear:
- If you do not vaccinate your children as we prescribe, they will die.
- If you do not send your child to school on the terms we mandate, they will be stupid and will not find a job (with which to pay taxes).
- Without compulsory vaccination, you will not be able to care for your children, who will be neglected and a danger to other children and to society in general.
Since vaccination is a complex issue, we are going to develop some ideas and principles that will hopefully clarify many of the concepts behind the government’s ‘good intention’.
To begin with, if you disagree with the above statements, you should not take a position in favour of any compulsory vaccination (or other state impositions).
Underlying those who support these measures is a repulsive prejudice that makes us believe that the state is the good guy and that people are inherently bad —and will only come to their senses with the help of the state.
People tend to make choices that we believe are best for ourselves. This can manifest itself in a variety of life choices, such as choosing between working hard to earn (even) more money; or opting for a part-time job that allows you more time to spend with your family. What is considered ‘better’ is subjective and should not be determined by social norms, but should be able to be chosen individually.
When it comes to raising children, the primary responsibility lies with the parents, who have the right to educate their children according to their own ideas and values. Differences of opinion on methods of parenting and education are natural, and everyone is free to make decisions about their own family life that may differ from those of other families. We believe that the principle of ‘live and let live’ should apply, so that everyone can follow their own particular approaches to parenting without judging or influencing those of others.
Vaccination is an individual’s private decision, and compulsory vaccination is a serious encroachment on fundamental rights. Of course, if you do not want to be vaccinated, you can count on to help you live the life that is yours and exercise your right over your own body.
“You don’t know how to take care of yourself”.
It sounds extremely harsh, but this is exactly the view that governments (i.e. politicians) have of you.
The injustice usually starts like this: a minority of people think they are better (smarter, more experienced, more capable, richer, more well-meaning, wiser, etc.) than you and most people. Based on this ‘supremacy’, this minority grants itself power over your life and the lives of other people under the premise of ‘taking care of you’ and ‘running your life’.
They believe they are in a position to patronise you, control your life and make decisions for you. They say they are acting ‘for your own good’, because you need to be saved from yourself (as you hear it!) and others.
The problem is that this group of terrible people is not limited to your country, but everywhere there is a government, unfortunately. The difference is that some want ‘more influence’ and others prefer to have ‘less influence’ over your life… but basically they all believe they should have power over you in one way or another.
And if you do not agree with them, they will consider it proof that you are a ‘worthless human being’ who needs more ‘help’. How can anyone disagree with such an enlightened and intelligent government who wants to save the world? This is how they come to the conclusion that they have to force things on you (like mandatory vaccinations, schooling, etc.) without even asking for your opinion, based on scientific studies, experts or other authorities that support what they propose.
Instead of trying to ‘blame’ someone for transmitting a virus, everyone should think about how they want to deal with the risk of contagion. Just as we should not blame our environment for our failures in life, we should not blame our environment for our illnesses.
Also, if you do not know what you want or what is best for you, you should have the freedom to decide, take your time to reflect and choose your own path according to your needs. Not taking the initiative and deciding for yourself is also a decision in itself.
Every individual must be responsible for himself, without attacking, forcing, or pressuring other people and determining their lives, or else you would be no better than the state.
One thing is certain: the state is the virus and freedom is the only effective vaccine against it.
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